Aesop’s Fables Archive

The Gnat and the Bee

One cold morning, a Gnat flew all over in search of food. The Gnat had spent the entire spring singing and dancing in the fields. He had not collected …

The Fox in the Well

On a rainy day, an unlucky Fox slipped into a well. The Fox was able to keep his head above the water, with much difficulty. He placed his claws …

The Fox and the Ass

One morning, a Fox was crossing a farmyard. The Farmer had laid a trap for the Fox in which he got caught. An Ass was watching the Fox struggling …

The Eclipse

One day, the Moon was under the eclipse of the Sun. There was darkness all over the Moon and she was not able to glow in the light of …

The Moon and her Mother

One night, the Moon was shining quietly in the sky. From high above, she suddenly started noticing that the people on Earth looked very colourful and different from each …

The Lion and the Goat

ll the animals of the forest were suffering from heat on a hot summer’s day. There was no water anywhere! A Lion and a Goat were in search of …

The Hen and the Cat

Once upon a time, there lived some Hens and a Cat on a poultry farm. The Hens were scared of the Cat, since, she was known to eat hens …

The Hawk and the Pigeons

A flock of Pigeons had made their dovecote around a lush green field. The field had another frequent visitor, a Hawk. All the Pigeons lived in the fear of …