Animal Tales Archive

The Lion and the Mouse

The Lion and the Mouse is a popular Swahili folktale that has a moral lesson about the power of kindness and helping others, no matter how small they may …

The Power of Unity

Once upon a time in the peaceful village of Harmonyville, there lived a group of animals from different species. In this village, animals of all shapes and sizes coexisted …

The Bees and the Beetles

Far away on the hills, there was a forest full of many different trees and plants. Different kinds of animals, birds and insects lived in the forest. There was …

The Wild Doves

One day, a Bird Catcher went to the forest to catch some Wild Doves. He took some of his own Tame Doves and tied them to his net. Next, …

The Owl and the Nightingale

Once, there was an Owl who lived in an old, broken-down temple. The temple had a large library. It was full of books about history, literature and religion. The …

Five Wild Dogs

There was a river in a forest. Once, it rained so much that the water in the river rose over the bank. Soon, there was a flood in that …

The Wolf and the Ass

Once, there lived a pack of Wolves in the forest. The Wolves hunted animals in the forest and the nearby village every day, but they did not have a …

The Lion and the Gnat

One afternoon, a Lion had just finished his mealĀ and decided to take his afternoon nap. The LionĀ had just closed his eyes, when a Gnat saw him. Now, this Gnat, …

The Lion and the Elephant

Once, a Lion sat thinking by himself. He had sharp, strong claws and teeth and was a beast with immense strength. Yet, whenever he heard a Cock crowing, he …