Funny Stories Archive

Are You that Fool !!!

Once there lived five friends in a room. Their name was Somebody, Nobody, Brain, Mad & Fool. One day Somebody killed Nobody. Then Brain was in the bathroom. So …

The Silly Mother

Once upon a time there lived a girl called Maya . One day when she came home from school she went straight to her mother and said ” Mummy …

The Brahmin and the Crooks

In a village, there lived a poor Brahmin priest.He was pious, dutiful and very superstitious. One day, the Brahmin left for a neighbouring Village to collect a gift that …

Angus the Tartan Goat

Once, there lived a goat named Angus. He stayed with his owners, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas. They pampered Angus like a baby. However, Angus loved chewing woollen clothes and …

The Dirty Pig

One fine day, a dirty pig was soaking himself in a pool. A thirsty lion came to drink water, but unable to bear the heavy stench went away. The …

Work, Work, Work

A. man was going through a forest. He was tired and sat under a tree to rest. Near the tree were some bushes. In the bushes he heard a …

Ramu and the Mangoes

A rich man lived in a small town in Tamil Nadu. One day he brought home two large and juicy mangoes. He gave them to his servent and said, …

Two and Three

In a small village in Himachal (A state in northern hilly region in India.) lived an old man and his wife. Both were over seventy and both loved one …

Fishermen story…..

Two men went fishing. One was an experienced fisherman, the other wasn’t. Every time the experienced fisherman caught a big fish, he put it in his ice chest to …