The King's Curse

A king had six sons but no daughter. He and his queen longed for a baby girl. When the queen was about to give birth to another child, the …

The Three Little Pigs

Once upon a time there were three little pigs. One pig built a house of straw while the second pig built his house with sticks. They built their houses …

The Dancing Monkeys

A prince had monkeys in his court that could dance. As monkeys are natural mimics, they looked wonderful in their rich clothes and masks, dancing very much like human …

Rip Van Winkle

Rip Van Winkle was a lazy man. He would often go off into the forest with his dog, Wolf, to hunt for squirrels. One day, Rip helped a strange …

The Pixie Plumber

It was Midsummer Day, the day to meet fairy people. “I’d like to meet a pixie,” said Jill to her brother Billy. “Mummy, will you help us?” “I’m too …

The Brilliant Idea

Once, a flock of doves were flying together in search of food. Soon, they saw some grains scattered on the ground below. They settled on the ground to pick …

The Proud Frog

A large frog who was very vain believed that he was the most handsome frog and wanted to grow even bigger. He often admired his reflection in a pond …

The Dog and the Wolf

A hungry wolf was on the prowl. He met a dog passing by and requested him for some food. The dog took pity on the wolf and said, “Cousin, …

The Wood Fairy

A cheerful little girl named Betushka lived with her poor mother in a small cottage. Every day, she took the goats to graze. Her mother would put an empty …

The Turquoise Fairy

One day on his way home, Pinocchio met a fox and a cat who wanted to steal his money. They told him that they would show him a meadow …