The Lion and the Gnat

One afternoon, a Lion had just finished his meal and decided to take his afternoon nap. The Lion had just closed his eyes, when a Gnat saw him. Now, this Gnat, …

The Lion and the Elephant

Once, a Lion sat thinking by himself. He had sharp, strong claws and teeth and was a beast with immense strength. Yet, whenever he heard a Cock crowing, he …

The Horse and the Hog

Once, a Hog was walking on a street. There, he met a Horse. They both started talking. The Horse said, “Hog, what do you do all the day?” The Hog …

The Thrush and the Swallow

A young Thrush lived in an orchard with his parents. One bright spring morning, while he was hopping from branch to branch, he met a Swallow. The Thrush and …

The Sow and the Cat

0 ne day, a Sow was playing with her five piglets in mud. Just then, a Cat came to her. The Cat was followed by a long line of …

The Large Tree

Once, three Crows and two Sparrows lived in a forest. They all were good friends. They would meet every day and fly around together from one place to another. The Crows would …

The Birds and the Ocean

n the shores of an Ocean, there lived a pair of Birds. The female Bird was about to have babies. She told her husband, “Please find me a suitable …

The Man and Apollo

There once lived a Man in a village. He was very cunning and often cheated the villagers. He did not believe in God and thought he was cleverer than …