True Love

There lived a king and a queen who wanted a baby. They prayed hard and God finally rewarded them a baby boy. Unfortunately, the baby was born with the …

Hansel and Gretel

Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a poor woodcutter and his two children, Hansel and Gretel. This beloved fairytale takes us on a journey of …

The Hare and the Tortoise

A hare met a tortoise walking very slowly towards the mar­ket. The proud hare made fun of the slow tortoise. But the tortoise was good-natured and replied, “I may …

The Big Wooden Toy Box

Tom and Rosie had a big wooden toy box. The box had a huge collection of dolls, teddy bears, skipping ropes and dinky cars. Tom and Rosie’s room always …

The Little Engine

A little steam engine was given the task of pulling a train of cars. His wheels chugged along the iron tracks and puffed clouds of steam. After some time, …

The Little Rose Plant

A little Rose plant lived inside a dark damp room. One day she heard a soft tapping on her door,       “Who’s there?” she asked. “I am little Raindrop.  Please …

A Duck's -Tale

Huang ran a poultry farm. There were ducks of all hues and sizes in his farm—white ducks, brown ducks, ducks with stripes, and ducks with specks. Every morning,   Huang …

Sunny Day’s Favourite Sounds

Sunny Day admired the sound of a brook as he flowed over the pebbles. “You make such a wonderful sound, Babbling Brook,” he said. “Thank you, Sunny Day,” replied …

Rodney Rhino's weekend Plans

Rodney Rhino was looking forward to the weekend. He could do what he loved best—play with his friends. Rodney called up Sammy Snake. “Let’s take our bikes and go …

The Lucky Seed

A farmer was on his way to the market to sell a bag of seeds. His cart bumped into a stone and a seed fell out of the bag. …