The Dancing Teapot

A ragman found a badger caught in a trap. Being good at heart, he set it free. The badger was actually an enchanted being. In order to repay the …

The Foolish Farmer

A farmer and his son were car­rying their donkey in a wheel­barrow to the market so as not to tire the animal. Seeing them the villagers laughed. “Who­ever has …

Wild Blossom

. There lived a girl named Wild Blossom who used to sell flow­ers during the day. In the evenings, she would bring food for her little brothers. They loved …

The Sun and the Wind

The Sun and the Wind had an argument as to who was stronger. They kept arguing with each other and couldn’t make a decision. Meanwhile, a traveller was passing …

The Stork and the Fox

A clever fox wanted to play a trick on someone. A stork was sitting nearby. He began talk­ing to her and said that he wanted to be her friend. …

Clever Onkie

A rabbit called Onkie lived in the deep African jungles. He was a very intelligent rabbit but Onkie wanted to become even wiser. So, one day, he went to …


  Gepetto was a poor carpenter who made his living by making puppets. Once, he was carving a puppet out of wood in his workshop. Suddenly the wood squealed, …

The Frog Prince

The Frog Prince Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful princess who had a golden ball. One day, while playing in the garden, the ball fell into a …

Rabbits and the Rats

A family of rabbits ran helter-skelter whenever any animal came near them, fearing they would be trampled to death. One day, hearing the sound of horses’ hoof beats from …