The Daisy and the Lark

Once there was a little daisy that grew outside a garden. The proud flowers of the garden looked down upon the daisy as nobody could see her there. But …

The Boys and the Giant

Once three boys were playing near the forest. Suddenly, a giant came out. He wanted to eat the boys for dinner. So he caught them and put them in …

The Sole

The kingdom of fishes was always in disorder. Fishes would swim in whichever direction they wanted. Some tried to go between those who wanted to swim together, and some …

Choosing a Bride

A young man wanted to get married. He knew three sisters who were equally beautiful and wanted to marry one of them. But he couldn’t decide whom to choose …

The Pig Keeper

Once upon a time there lived a prince who loved a princess and wished to marry her. One day, he sent her two beautiful gifts, a rose and a …

The Sparrow Chicks

Once a sparrow lived in a nest with four chicks. One day, some boys destroyed their nest but the little sparrows managed to fly away to safety. The sparrow …