Moral stories Archive

The True Friends

Once, two Friends lived in a city. They loved each other and shared their joys and sorrows. Their friendship was praised by everyone who knew them, “Look at them! …

The Man and the Snake

Once, a Man found a Snake coiled on the ground. He became scared and was about to kill it. Just then, the Snake cried out, “If you wish to …

The Hermit and the Bear

There was an old Hermit who lived in the forest. One day, a Bear came to him and said, “Hermit, please pull the thorn out from my paw! I am …

The Gnat and the Bee

One cold morning, a Gnat flew all over in search of food. The Gnat had spent the entire spring singing and dancing in the fields. He had not collected …

The Fox in the Well

On a rainy day, an unlucky Fox slipped into a well. The Fox was able to keep his head above the water, with much difficulty. He placed his claws …

The Fox and the Ass

One morning, a Fox was crossing a farmyard. The Farmer had laid a trap for the Fox in which he got caught. An Ass was watching the Fox struggling …