Children’s Stories Archive

End of a Quarrel

A rabbit dug a hole under a tree. He said “This is my house. I shall live in it.” And the rabbit happily began to live in his house. …

The Snow Queen

Once upon a time there lived a wicked goblin who built a magic mirror. Anything that was beautiful or good was reflected in it as ugly and bad. One …

The Two Daughters

Once a man had two daughters. The first one was married to a farmer and the second one married a potter. One day, the father visited the first daughter …

The One-Eyed Giant

Once there lived a giant who had a long blade of iron called the giant’s knife. He had only one eye in the middle of his forehead. He used …

The She-Wolf and the Fox

One day, a she-wolf invited a fox to be the godfather to her newborn and for dinner. They decided to look after the little cub together. After the meal …

The Seven Ravens

A man had seven strong sons but he longed for a daughter. Eventually, a girl was born to his wife. He sent his sons to fetch water for her …