Are You that Fool !!!

Once there lived five friends in a room. Their name was Somebody, Nobody, Brain, Mad & Fool. One day Somebody killed Nobody. Then Brain was in the bathroom. So …

The Swan and the Owl

The Swan and the Owl: Lessons of Friendship and Self-Identity Once upon a time, in a lush forest, a graceful Swan dwelled near a tranquil lake. The moonlit nights …

Zeus and the Potsherds

One day, Zeus, the King of all Gods, was very angry with the people. He called Hermes, who is the Messenger of the Gods, and ordered, “Hermes, your job …

The Statue of Truth

The Greeks believe that Prometheus is the Potter God. He makes man from clay. One day, he decided to sculpt a statue of Truth, who would control the behaviour …

The Bees and the Beetles

Far away on the hills, there was a forest full of many different trees and plants. Different kinds of animals, birds and insects lived in the forest. There was …

The Bees and the Beekeeper

Once, there was a man who kept many Bees on his farm. His farm had many beehives that contained honeycombs. One day, when the Beekeeper was away, a thief …