Moral stories Archive

The Farmer’s Wife

A poor and old farmer lived in a village. He had a beautiful and young wife.. The young wife always yearned to enjoy life by going to fairs and …

The Enemy’s Advice

It is well known that crabs and herons have been enemies since ages but sometimes grief and sudden loss does affect one’s power of thinking wisely. Thus, a heron …

The Different One

Once a Lion and a Lioness lived in a forest with their twin cubs. One day as usual the Lion went out to hunt for food but it being …

The Day Dreamer

In a small village there lived a lazy Brahmin Ramdas. He would do nothing but daydream whole day. Whenever he was hungry, he would out, beg for food, come …

A Perfect Person

A man and his girlfriend were married. It was a large celebration. All of their friends and family came to see the lovely ceremony. The bride was gorgeous in her white …

The Cunning Jackal

Chatur, a Jackal, lived in a jungle. He hunted for food every day with his friends. One day he thought to himself, “Every day I work hard to catch …

The Brahmin and the Crooks

In a village, there lived a poor Brahmin priest.He was pious, dutiful and very superstitious. One day, the Brahmin left for a neighbouring Village to collect a gift that …

The Brahman’s Calves

Once a poor Brahman lived in a village. He performed small religious ceremonies for the rich and was paid food and clothings in return. As he grew old and …