Children’s Stories Archive

A Cock and the Horses

Once, a Cock lost his way and went inside a stable. He was very scared. He thought, ‘Lord! Where am I? This place looks so large and strange. I …

The Swallow and the Crow

Once, a proud Swallow lived on a large tree. He Liked his colourful feathers and his long tail. One day, he saw a Crow and thought, ‘How dull this …

The Fox and the Wolf

A Wolf lived in a cave. He had stocked up lots of food and did not need too hunting. He then stayed in the cave and enjoyed the food. …

The Hunted Beaver

Once, there was a forest named Freeville. It had many trees and a river. There lived many animals, birds and fish in Freeville. Among them were also the Beavers. It …

The Large Tree

Once, three Crows and two Sparrows lived in a forest. They all were good friends. They would meet every day and fly around together from one place to another. The Crows would …

The Birds and the Ocean

n the shores of an Ocean, there lived a pair of Birds. The female Bird was about to have babies. She told her husband, “Please find me a suitable …

The Man and Apollo

There once lived a Man in a village. He was very cunning and often cheated the villagers. He did not believe in God and thought he was cleverer than …

The Monkeys and a Bell

Once, there lived a Thief in a kingdom. One day, he stole a Church bell and ran into the forest. Soon, a Tiger saw the Thief, pounced upon him …

A Wizard and a Mouse

Long ago, there lived a great Wizard. One day, as he was walking through the village, a Mouse fell to the ground from the beak of a crow. He picked …

The Mice and the Owl

Once, there lived a Wise Owl. He made his nest in the hollow of a tree. He would fly to a particular tree, every day and pick up his …