The Mice and the Owl

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Once, there lived a Wise Owl. He made his nest in the hollow of a tree.

He would fly to a particular tree, every day and pick up his food. Then, he would fly back home and slowly enjoy his meal, there.

One day, the other birds asked him how he got his food so easily.

The Wise Owl said, “I was flying one day, when I saw the halfThe Mice and the Owl chopped-down bark of a tree. It was full of insects and Mice. When I tried to catch the Mice, some of them ran away too quickly. So, I thought of an idea. I
began to feed the Mice with wheat, every day. The Mice became fat and healthy. Then I bit off all their feet!”

The Birds understood that the footless Mice now could not run. They waited each day for the Owl to bring them wheat.
The Owl brought them food faithfully each day.

Then, every day he would pick up one Mouse and take it home to eat! In this way the Owl had well-fed meals ready and waiting for him. He did not have to go in search of food ever!

Always make wise plans to make life easy in the future.

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