The Trooper and his Horse

Once, a Trooper lived in a country. He worked in the King’s army and was very famous for his bravery all over the kingdom. The Trooper had a beautiful …

The Two Lizards

On a warm winter morning, two Lizards sat on a high wall of an old mill. They were enjoying the bright sunshine. One Lizard kept dreaming all the time …

Hospital Window

Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the …

The Paper Kite

A beautiful Paper Kite was flying high in the sky. It was brightly coloured, with long, curly tassels and a long string. The Paper Kite was so high up, …

The Clever Wife

There lived a Woman whose Husband had a bad habit. The man would drink a lot every day. This caused him to lose his normal senses for most of …

The Mice who Travelled

A Mouse, tired of living in constant fear, said to her neighbour, “I read about a place called Indies where Mice are safer. The people there believe that the …

The Dogs

One morning, a Hunter was following an animal. He tied his Dogs in pairs, so that they would hunt in an orderly way, and not pull in different directions. …

The Parrot

An Old Man was very lonely because his wife had died. He missed her very much, especially their meal-time talk and laughter. One day, the Old Man decided to …

The Rope Dancer

Rope dancing is lovely to watch, but very hard to Hearn! A young Boy was learning this art from an old, wise Teacher. The Teacher told the Boy to …