Unwise Start Leads To A Sad End
A mouse had his hole near a pool in a thick forest. A frog often came out to bask in the sun. As luck would have it, both of them became fast friends.
But the friendship of a frog and a mouse was not desirable at all, because the frog had his home in water while the mouse on land. It was the unwise start of something tragic.
One day the frog said to the mouse, “Let’s bind ourselves together with a string so that we may never be separate.”
“A splendid idea indeed,” replied the mouse.
So, both the friends tied themselves together leg-to-leg. Though on land, it went quite well, yet in the pool, it was tragic for the mouse. The frog swam about delightfully in the pool dragging the mouse with him. Soon the mouse was drowned and his dead body floated on the surface of the pool.
A kite hovering in the sky saw the dead mouse. It swooped down to carry it off. Up went the frog as well to be the kite’s meal.