A king wanted to marry a maiden as fair and bright as daylight. He ordered his servant to find such a maiden.
Searching high and low, finally the servant arrived at a small house. An old woman, who used to spin wool, lived there. The servant knocked at the door and asked for some water. The old woman handed out a pitcher through a hole in the door. With all the spinning, her hands had become soft and white. When the servant saw them, he thought that she must be a very beautiful maiden to have such soft and gentle hands. He took her to the king.
The old woman put a thick veil and went to the palace. When she removed her veil, the king was surprised to see such an old ugly woman. He threw her out of the palace. A fairy took pity on the old woman and made her young again. In the morning when the king saw her, he fell in love with her and married her.
wrnog grammar ba to?
i mean wrong
you can say that again!