The Fighting Cocks

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On a cold, rainy day, a farmer found two chicks near his door. The chicks were miserable and shivering. The farmer took them inside. He decided to keep them and made a wooden coop for them to live in. Soon, the chicks grew up and became cocks. They were very lazy and kept fighting with each other.

One day, they had a big fight about who was the ruler of the coop. One of the cocks ran out of the coop and hid in the farmer’s house. The other cock was very proud that he had the coop to himself. He climbed on top of it and crowed loudly to show his leadership.

Suddenly, the neighbouring cat pounced on him and ate him up. The cat had been watching and knew that the other cock was inside the house. He hid near the door.

After a while, when the cock came out of the house to go back to the coop, the cat jumped and killed it too. Both the cocks died because of their own folly.

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  1. Muhammad Asif May 31, 2014

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