Once upon a time, a Hunter lived in a forest. One morning, he set out hunting, hoping to find a deer.
Soon, he saw a Deer and hunted him down. The Hunter slung him over his shoulder and merrily started home.
On the way, he came across a fat Pig. He dropped the Deer on the ground and shot the Pig with an arrow.
The Pig gave a fearful grunt and charged at the Hunter. He hit the Hunter hard in the stomach and killed him instantly. Then the wounded Pig also fell down dead.
During the fight, a Snake that was passing by got trampled and died.
All this time, a Jackal was sitting behind a tree.
When he saw the Hunter, Deer, Pig and Snake, all lying dead, he was overjoyed and said to himself, “Ah! What luck! It looks as though I am going to have a feast, but I shall eat only a little at a time so it will last me longer.”
Then, the Jackal dragged each body to his cave, one by one. He had a feast for a long time!
Be patient and think wisely.
very nice stories
Nice story
its good . ?
Nice, try to take wright decision on time
its good
very short story good for projects
Too gory