King Leopard happily ruled over his Kingdom.
However, one day, a Lion Cub was born in a distant part of the Kingdom. The Leopard felt sorry because the poor cub had no father. But the Prime Minister, the Fox, knew that when the Lion Cub grew up, there would be trouble. Lions always respect friendship and never fight needlessly with other animals. So, he advised the Leopard, “It is wise to be friendly with the Lion Cub to control his power.”
King Leopard did not listen. Many years passed. The Cub grew into a big Lion! He was brave, watchful and clever. He began to show his power. The Fox begged the Leopard again, “Before he destroys us fully, please give the Lion a part of the Kingdom, some oxen and other animals to feed on. We can live safely in the other part of the Kingdom.”
“No, I will not give him any part of my Kingdom!” the Leopard again refused the Fox’s advice.
Very soon, the Lion became so powerful that he slowly won the Leopard’s Kingdom and became King, instead!
If there is a strong person in your life, make sure he is your friend!
Add a comment…ahhhhh
so interesting story
oxm story
I'm working on a demand for Cengage Learning Brazil and my editors would like to use one of your advertising in an English Language textbook
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Title: Trilha para Ensino Médio (Highschool trail in a free translation)
Authors: Cengage Learning
Format: online – 1.000 access/year
territory – Brazil – 5 years
1st edition
Please let me know if it's possible and if you need any extra information.
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Monique Michelon
hate this. what is this evan about anyway
no its isnt
what does this mean oxm story then
im working on a demand for cengage learning brazil and my editors would like to use one of your advertising in an english language textbook
would it be possible for us to obtain your permission? how much woud be your fee?
more details on our publication:…see more
Lillie-Mae Armstrong i mean awesome