Once there lived a snail couple in the woods. They were in search of a pretty snail bride for their only son. The buzzing flies in the forest came to them and said, “There is a beautiful snail, who lives just ten minutes flying distance from here! She will be good for your son!”
The snails agreed and told the girl to visit them. The pretty snail took only eight days to reach them and they were very happy that she was this fast. Their son liked her too. The bees made the wedding cake and the fireflies made the lights. The ants were the bridesmaids. There was lots of rejoicing and merrymaking and the snails were married.
The snail family was finally complete and they lived together happily ever after.
nice story… "like"
inspiring,,, awesome
Nice story
nice the story..!!
nice story
nice story
it was a nice story..they both have happy ending and lived happily ever after
nice and beautiful story
yes its so beautiful story
nice story
i like story. “The Hppy Fmily”
i like story.hhhhhhhh
haha nice lage =D
I need to read more stories of the family.
nice story !!
nice 🙂
Wow,nice story…