Once, an Ass had an accident and lost his tail. He was very saddened by this loss. He cried the whole day and missed his tail. He thought, ‘I miss having my tail. I think I should go out and search for it!’
The Ass went all around the meadow searching for his tail. He was weeping, when he entered a garden. He crushed the plants under his feet as he was lost in his own thoughts. The Gardener saw the Ass and became alert. He thought, ‘This Ass has come to my garden to spoil my plants and eat my vegetables. I will have to save my garden from him!’
The Gardener went inside his cottage and brought a pair of scissors. When he saw the Ass walking over his vegetables and plants, he got angry. He shouted at the Ass, but the Ass did not listen to him.
The Gardener ran towards the Ass and cut off both his ears. The Ass was shocked and cried in pain. Now, besides his tail, he also cried out for the loss of his ears!
We should not lose our senses in difficult times, for we may then face more losses.