Jupiter, the chief of gods, was going to marry. He decided to celebrate the happy event by hosting a reception. He invited all the animals living on land and in water to participate in the banquet.
All the animals came to attend the feast but the tortoise didn’t come. Jupiter was much too surprised at his absence.
After a few days, Jupiter came across the tortoise. He asked him, “How was it that you were not present at the banquet held in honour of my marriage? Were you all right?”
“I am a stay-at-home type lf animal and never care to attend petty affairs. Why should trouble myself when there is no place like home?” retorted the tortoise.
No doubt, the tortoise had said something very true. But the way of saying it was very hurtful. It pinched the chief of gods and he uttered a curse, “So, you will always carry your home on your back. You will never be able to unload it.”
And every tortoise carries his home with him till today.