Mia, and lovely Chinese porcelain doll was sitting prettily on the shelf of a big toy shop. She had many friends. Aan, a Chinese doll, Shao a Japanese doll and also Barbie. But her best friend was Roly-poly, the teddy bear. One day, a little girl came to the store. “Daddy, see the Chinese doll. She is so pretty. Can I have her for Christmas?” Daddy readily agreed. But when the little girl tried to pick her up from the shelf she was surprised to see that Mia was holding the teddy bear’s hand very tightly. “They must be best friends like Susie and me,” thought the little girl. –Daddy, can I have the bear too? He is also so sweet,” asked she. Daddy smiled and nodded his head. Mia and Roly-poly were very happy. “Thank you,” they whispered to the little girl when Daddy was busy paying for them.