On a pleasant spring day, the animals in the woods decided to go for a picnic.
“It’s a perfect day for a picnic,” said the fox delightedly. Soon the animals gathered with their food and the picnic basket was full. All the friends set off towards the meadow. On the way they came across a stream. “Let’s climb that log that has fallen across the stream,” suggested the fox. The animals were pleased with the idea and quickly the fox, the rabbits and the porcupine wobbled their way over the log. When the animals reached the meadow, they found the chipmunks had already reached with the basket and had laid out the picnic. “How come you two are here so early?” enquired the fox. The chipmunks grinned and said, “We noticed that the log was hollow so we scampered through it along with the picnic basket.” “That was clever!” said the rabbits. When the picnic was over, everybody crossed the stream through the hollow log without trouble this time.
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