Indian Tales Archive

The King And The Blind Man

Early one morning King Birbhadra went out hunting. While he was returning to his palace he felt very tired, hungry and thirsty. Suddenly by the roadside he saw a …

The Wise Kid

In a dense forest lived a little kid in a cave with his father ram and mother goat. The forest had plenty of leaves for the three to feed …

Gopal Cures Day-Dreamers

There was once an intelligent and hardworking man called Gopal Bhand. He was known for his intelligence and tact in dealing with people and their problems. People used to …

The Crafty Frog

There was once a fat, green frog who lived in a river. He led a happy and contented life. One day, a terrible misfortune befell him. He had just …

The Magical Drum

Along time ago, in .a small kingdom in western India, there lived a ruler by the name Dharmraj. He was a good, wise and just king. His subjects greatly …

Ali And The Donkey

In a certain village in the land of Kutch, there lived a young man called Ali. Ali worked as a carpenter and all the villagers liked him. His parents …

The Clever Goldsmith

Once upon a time there lived a king who was very proud of his intelligence. He believed there was no one in the kingdom who could cheat him and …

The Indigent Brahmin

Long, long ago there lived a poor and pious Brahmin in a small village. A great devotee of Goddess Durga, this simple man took neither a sip of water, …

Barber Shamlal

Barber Shamlal was a great saint and man of religion. During those old days when he lived, a barber was considered to be a person of low birth. Shamlal …

Work, Work, Work

A. man was going through a forest. He was tired and sat under a tree to rest. Near the tree were some bushes. In the bushes he heard a …