One chilly winter Paul Bunyan found a baby ox in the snow and took him home He was named Babe the Blue Ox as the snow had stained him blue permanently. He grew up to be very strong and Paul made him carry logs for him.
One summer when Babe was hauling a load of logs he saw a pretty yeller calf named Bessie and fell in love with her. Babe asked Paul to take 4, Bessie home with them. Babe and Bessie loved each other dearly but there was a small problem. Babe loved the winter and snow, since during winter, the logs would slide easier on the snow. But Bessie loved warm summer days. They went to Paul with their problem. Paul made Bessie a pair of green goggles and when she wore them in winter she thought it was summer. She was very glad and produced so much butter that Paul used the leftover butter to grease the lumber load. This kept Bessie and Babe both happy.