It was that moment when I was at the stake of fully lost. But there was someone that reached his hand and said here my son I have given my life for you on the cross. I am from a Hindu family a strong Hindu where it’s hard to transform into a different religion, I was fully lost and was missing something which I didn’t realise until at last I understood! I was not happy in my life let me cut down the story in short one Saturday morning I was passing by a church and fortunately the sermon was going on, something inspired me to go and hear the message so without negligent I went forward as soon as I went! there was the pastor speaking about repentance at that situation I needed that repentance and conversion!! And I did repent after that moment onward and gave my heart to him. I would really like to thank GOD for this privilege.
– Shibshankar Rajan
Story Shared by:Shibshankar rajan