Mick was a poor farmer. One day, he decided to go to the fair to sell his cow. On the way, he met a dwarf who gave him a magic bottle in exchange for the cow. With the help of the wish-fulfilling bottle. Mick became very rich.
When Mick’s landlord came to know the secret of Mick’s wealth, he forcefully look his bottle away. Mick became poor again and was ultimately left with only a cow. He decided to sell it. On his way to the fair he again met the dwarf. This time the dwarf gave him another magic bottle from which, when Mick made a wish two men came out and started beating him until he ordered them to stop. Mick took the bottle to his landlord and said, “This bottle is better than the first.” When the landlord made a wish, the two men came out and started beating him. Mick ordered them to stop only when the landlord agreed to return the first bottle.
Mick happily took the two bottles home.